What are the various signs of schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a term used to signify a spectrum of disorders that involve a disconnection from reality. Its symptoms include paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations. It is a serious but treatable disorder, and patients can live a healthy and fulfilling life. Schizophrenia is also a particular mental health condition that falls under the spectrum mentioned above. According to the World Health Organization, schizophrenia affects approximately 1 in 300 people across the globe. Stages and symptoms of schizophrenia The condition can be broadly divided into three stages. Each of these stages has a different level or intensity of symptoms. Prodrome or onset is when patients have mild symptoms. It can be identified by signs like lack of personal hygiene, anxiety, and social withdrawal. The active stage is when the symptoms are more intense, and the patient has been disconnecting from reality. The following symptoms can be observed during the active phase: Depression Depression is a common health condition that is a cause for concern. Individuals who are depressed and lack trust in others or have misplaced distrust in others can be considered at a greater risk of schizophrenia. Other signs that can be present along with depression include increased pessimism and delusions.
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