8 signs that should prompt one to visit a dermatologist
Despite external care and efforts to maintain healthy skin, one may experience various skin issues during one’s lifetime. While some may be caused due to a particular physical activity, changes in lifestyle, hormonal changes, or family history, some signs may be the precursor for serious health concerns. So it’s important to get these symptoms checked professionally to get expert advice and treatment. Here are 10 signs that should prompt one to consult a dermatologist. Persistent acne Breakouts may occur as a result of stress, unexpected changes in one’s eating habits, or during adolescence. While breakouts are normal, experiencing persistent aches without any significant changes in one’s lifestyle can be a cause for concern. Blemishes The damaged skin cells around a zit or acne leave pigmented spots and cause blemishes. These spots may fade gradually or with easy home remedies, but it’s better to have a dermatologist examine them if any areas do not lighten with time. Increase in size of dark circles The common causes of dark circles include lack of sleep, dehydration, advancing age, or excessive sun exposure. However, underlying health diseases like eczema or thyroid problems may also cause it. So, if one sees that the dark circles are growing in size elliptically, one should consult a doctor.
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