5 foods that can help fight bad breath
Bad breath, or halitosis, can prove to be incredibly difficult to manage. However, one does not have to look much further than their meal plan for a solution. To put it simply, one must avoid certain foods that may worsen bad breath, like garlic and onion. They should instead eat foods like raw fruits and vegetables to counter it. Read on to know more about which foods to eat to remedy bad breath. In addition to paying more attention to oral health, one can eat certain foods to banish bad breath. Some of these are mentioned below. Yogurt Researchers claim that consuming about three ounces of yogurt with probiotic bacteria twice a day can reduce bad breath. Eating yogurt reduces the levels of odor-causing sulfide compounds in the mouth. However, one must carefully read the labels and choose the sugar-free variety to get maximum benefits. Ginger Ginger is a spice that contains a compound known as 6-gingerol. This compound helps in the stimulation of an enzyme in the saliva to help break down sulfur compounds in the mouth. This effectively reduces bad breath and counters the effects of bad oral health. You can also use lemon juice, ginger, and warm water to develop a DIY mouth wash that can be used as per your convenience.
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