5 bad habits that affect kidney health
Everyone has a unique preference for doing certain things in life. However, some food and lifestyle choices might not be the best decisions when preserving a healthy mind and body. These bad habits can be the path that could lead you to poor kidney health and even failure. It’s not too late to make amends. Rectifying some small habits can go a long way in relieving the pressure on the kidneys. Not drinking enough water Drinking adequate water is essential to eliminate waste products from the body. It helps flush out the excess sodium, potassium, and other minerals and toxins from the body. It is one of the most effective ways of avoiding kidney stones and related kidney diseases. However, people with existing kidney conditions might need the doctor’s permission and assistance to limit and regulate their water intake. Going heavy on the salt Since high blood pressure is one of the conditions that can put the kidney at risk, it is essential to limit salt intake. Excessive use of salt in foods is one of the bad habits that need to be avoided since it could lead to kidney failure. It is responsible for uncontrolled blood pressure levels, which can further increase the risk of developing kidney-related problems.
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